Well we made it to 20 weeks. Last week we got to have our ultrasound and see our precious little one. It was a great experience, especially since it is my partner's first child. It was wonderful to see his reaction to seeing our little person and hear the heartbeat. We are both very happy our peanut appears to be healthy and is growing just as it should. The downside of our visit...baby was modest. So no idea if we are having a little lady or a little gentleman. As disappointed as so many are, I really am not to disappointed. We will know what we are having in good time. I mean we are half way there!
On a side note, I had to get more blood work done to check my platelets. They were low in my last blood test and it can apparently be a serious thing. As worried as I am, I have to keep reassuring myself that things will work out. However, our baby is healthy and I have to do my best to make sure it stays healthy. Now it is a waiting game to see what the doctor says and if my platelets are still low. If they are, he will send me to a high-risk ob-gyn and possibly have to see a hematologist. After all my research of the downside of low platelet count, I am definitely paranoid.
Now to occupy my time with redecorating bedrooms and possibly the living room. We'll see how that goes. Oh the possibilities of decorating. More to come on that too. Mostly, I would like to have my bedroom completed by Thanksgiving or Halloween. I know the baby isn't expected until the end of January/early February but whats wrong with being prepared months in advance??