Pregnancy Ticker

 Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

36 Weeks and Prepping

Well here we are at 36 weeks and getting to the end. Isn’t it exciting? I am excited to go through labor and meet our mysterious baby. I can’t wait to find out if we are having a girl or a boy and even the kids are getting excited about the baby. The more stuff we put out for the baby, the more the kids talk about the baby coming home. It’s so great! What puts the icing on the cake is when my little guy puts his head on my belly and talk to his baby. He is going to be a good big brother, I am so proud that he understands (for the most part) that mommy is having a baby and that he will get to see it soon. If only we could get Bug to understand, she still thinks she is the baby. 

We still have so much to do and to purchase, even just the basics like stretch suits and socks. We haven’t washed the clothes or anything and logically, the baby could come any day. If feel so behind. I haven’t even packed my hospital bag yet. With the last two kids, I had it packed well ahead of time and even packed and repacked it as if I had nothing else to do. I was so prepared with the other two and with this one, I just feel like waiting until the last minute. We have discussed with the doctor inducing already and think that might be part of it. I was induced with the other two so it feels like my chances of going into labor alone are pretty slim. But I know in the back of my head its better to be safe than sorry.

On another note; I am looking into more doctors or specialist for my son. I just feel like there should be more that can be done for him. I want him to be the best that he can. Wish me luck!

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