Pregnancy Ticker

 Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello Third Trimester and Hurricane Sandy

Hello third trimester, I am so glad to finally get to this point. After our recent experience with hurricane sandy i almost felt like i wouldn't make it. We lost power for about two and a half days. We had no running water, no heat and no light. We managed through it and finally the weekend was here. Thankfully the family slept through the worse part of the hurricane. So most of the heavy winds and down pouring we got happened while it was dark and everyone was content. I really cannot say hurricanes and night time are my favorite. With it being so dark you cannot see a thing. I hate this in any storm actually. We live in a heavily wooded area and it is always a fear of mine that the house will be hit by some horrible "insurance" tree. But then I think of the positives...we'd get a new roof. Which we are in desperate need of. Hurricane Sandy also brought lost of leaks in our roof, I mean they were already there but they sure helped things stay moist in the house. All in all, our experience wasn't really terrible. We got through it, we stuck together as a family and the kids didn't even miss television until the third day. I think we really could make it off the grid...if we had a wood stove.

In light of the tragedy that happened on the east coast I finally made it to the third trimester. I have been praying for some time to make it to this point and i finally did. After all, its all down hill from here. I am so glad about that. I am not the type of person to enjoy being pregnant, more like a miserable one. But in light of this, I am trying to stay active, healthy and stress free. I think I have the active and healthy thing going but the stress free, not so much. I have been contemplating a lot in the past few weeks or so and in my efforts to staying and being healthy and un-miserable during my last pregnancy, I have realized a few things, that people take advantage of others. Should I be offended by this, at first, yes I was. And then I think about my reaction to that person and realize that I have control over my feelings and my actions, not theirs. I also realized that I want my family to be less dependent on my parents. I'd like us to be as self sustained as possible. I'd like us to more independent and have more respect as adults. It feels most of the time that we are viewed as some young people that don't know what we are doing and we need guidance or help. But we don't, we have made it on our own before. I have a background in preschool education and both of us have a long history of child rearing, we do not need help in how to discipline, etc. When will people realize that just because things were done 30 or 40 years ago, does not mean it is appropriate now. If you have never been a parent, i really don't care for your advice anyway. We will and need to do things and parent on our own, without other butting in. Like I said, I've been reflecting on a lot the past few weeks and now is as good a time as ever to put my action into the works. If we need help, we will ask.

Here's to sanity in the third trimester and through the holidays. I think I am going to have to start drinking mock-tails and pretend they are real, that might help a little.

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